Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wedding Wednesday | DIY Wedding Card Box

Happy hump day loves! I mentioned earlier this week that I had worked on my wedding card box over the weekend. I'm glad that this was yet another thing that I was able to check off my list and it didn't take as long as I thought nor was it too difficult.

I went to my local Michael's and picked up the supplies I needed. I wanted to do a round shaped box, so I got a set of 3 paper mache boxes

I then proceeded to measure and cut the necessary holes. I definitely recommend making sure you cut the holes big enough for a decent size card to fall all the way through. Just keep in mind to keep a little bit to have the stacking box glue properly to the bottom. Hopefully that makes sense, but here's a picture of what the inside of the box looks like.

It doesn't need to be a perfect circle, nobody will be able to see it from the inside. Once you've got the holes made, make sure to make a slit on the top for the cards to drop through, try and keep it centered and a bit wide. This is really the only cut I was super careful about because it'll be visible, so just cut slowly using a sharp utility knife.

Once I had that all done, it was time to spray paint. I bought spray paint because it's an easier way to get this project done and it dries uber quick. Make sure you are spray painting in a well ventilated area and I recommend wearing gloves. I set up some tarp and newspapers on my porch to get this done with. Follow the instructions on the can, the kind I got was Krylon ColorMaster Gloss Enamel in True Blue.

The first coat I did was very sheer, I waited about 2 minutes to re-spray and did 2 more coats afterwards. I think that was a perfect amount because all of it got pretty covered.

I let it dry for about 30 minutes (it says dry time is 10 minutes or less, but I waited longer anyway). After it's all dry, you still want to wait about an hour before really handling it so I did that. Afterwards I began gluing the boxes on top of each other. Between the 2nd and third boxes (on the bottom), I not only glued them together, but reinforced it with staples. I was not able to do the same with the top box to the 2nd box, but with enough glue it stuck together well. P.s. I just used a glue gun and it worked perfect.

I then started decorating the box with stuff I picked up from Michael's. You have complete creative control, go with the theme of your wedding, colors, etc. I got a pearl bead trim with some light pink flowers. I then finished it off with our initials. I put everything on with a glue gun and waited for it to dry.

Did you do a card box for your wedding, did you make it yourself or buy a premade one?


Now it’s your turn to link-up and share your wedding tales. 

Macy and I love reading all about your big day, someone else’s wedding adventures, or anything else wedding related. We just can’t wait to read all about it!


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  1. It turned out great! I had wanted to DIY a card box but things got to hectic. I had not found one I loved so I wasn't going to have one just have them set them on the table then the day before my wedding my wedding planner said she had one that would be perfect and so we used that one!

  2. Oh how awesome, it looks great! You did so well on it!

  3. This is such a cute idea! I bought my card box for my wedding but I love how your DIY turned out! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  4. That turned out great! I love that you used a dark color, it looks so classy.

  5. Your card box turned out so great! I love that you used some of your wedding colors and your initials to decorate it!

  6. I love it- turned out perfect!! We used a birdcage for our cards

  7. It turned out awesome! Love the pretty pinks! I had wanted to make my own for our wedding as well, but my friend who got married 3 months before we did let us use theirs so that worked out!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  8. Cute! Love how you can make it your own!

  9. It's so funny - I'm actually right in the middle of painting one of these round cardboard boxes for my son's graduation party cards! I've painted a single box white with red lacing to look like a baseball (he's playing college baseball next year). It's such an easy thing to do!
    ~ Kim Pincombe Cole

  10. That is adorable! How cute and crafty you are ;)

  11. It came out gorgeous! Makes my cardbox that I made look like an elementary school project lol :-P
    Green Fashionista

  12. I love this card box!! We purchased ours as a box and then painted it and added nautical details.

  13. This turned out so great! What a cute idea.
