Happy Wedding Wednesday my loves!
I've been dragging my feet at finally getting around to recapping my trip to Miami to celebrate my bachelorette party. I really wish I could go back in time and re-live this weekend all over again. The sand between my toes and saltwater in my hair was just good for my soul...along with the girl time I got as well! We held my bachelorette party from Friday to Sunday and boy did that time just fly!
After everyone had flown in on Friday, we settled into our adorable boutique hotel
The Surfcomber. This was seriously the perfect hotel for our weekend because it was right in the middle of the action on South Beach, literally ON the beach and had an awesome staff! I was lucky enough to be upgraded to a suite, which I was thrilled with! The girls and I immediately began to decorate for the weekend and had a blast doing so.
We kept it classy....
....and a bit sassy!
After all the fun with decorating and getting settled in, we all decided to hit up the hotel pool and walk over to the ocean to check it out. We knew we didn't have too much time since we had to get ready, but once I set my sights on the ocean, I didn't want to leave...ever!!
I mean just look at that crystal clear water...can't get enough!!!
After we pulled away from the ocean, we headed back to our rooms to start getting ready for the evening. We had reservations at
Dolce which is an amazing Italian restaurant. They hooked us up and the food was amazing!!
My gorgeous cousins and I posing before dinner.
Champs, always!
After getting stuffed, we headed back to the hotel to drink some more and play some games. We mostly selfied it up before heading out for the night. I was totally unaware that people didn't go out until at least 11:30pm-12am!! So if you're looking to go out in Miami, be prepared to stay up wayyy past your bedtime ;)!
I loved these little tattoos I got from Etsy, but was bummed with the staying power. Basically if you get it wet (like shower, pool, ocean) it will start rubbing off and disappear...not what I expected, but at least we got a cute pic of it!
That night I stayed up wayyyyy past my bedtime (like 4:30am late), but I had the time of my life. My cousins friends met us up while we were out and made sure we were taken care of the entire night. I played some fun scavenger hunt games while out and made a definite fool of myself...luckily there isn't too much photographic evidence of all the foolery that occurred that night!
Let's just say, waking up on Saturday morning was rough to say the least!! We had to be up and on the way to our brunch reservations at 11:30am which was definitely early considering the late night we had. Somehow we managed to make it there perfectly on time and it was SO worth waking up hungover! We brunched at the famous
Palace on Ocean Dr. It's a unique brunch experience because not only are you eating yummy food, but you are getting an incredible drag show while you eat. I was beyond fascinated by the performers and if you caught it on snapchat (npat62) you know what I'm talking about!
Bottomless mimosas, yes please!
Gorgeous server at the Palace that all of us were swooning over. I was convinced he was Enrique Igesias' body double, yummy!!
After heading back to the hotel stuffed, we of course decided we had to hit up the beach again! This time we stayed for longer since we had the time, thank god!
That evening we decided to experience Mexican food, Miami style and it totally didn't disappoint!
I wish I had more pictures from this night because this is my favorite dress, like ever!
After dinner we made our way back to the hotel to decide what to do the rest of the evening. We collectively decided to stay in and have a girls night in since we went hard the night before. This was literally the best idea plus we got to finish up playing games and drinking without having to wear heels or anything!
Since we hadn't gotten any pictures of all the girls together in the tanks I made for the girls, we decided to photoshoot it up! I got some great shots with each of my girls and they gifted me with the cutest "kiss the miss goodbye" frame!!
Sunday morning, we woke up bright and early to say goodbye to a few of the girls who had early flights home. The rest of the morning was spent cleaning up and packing our bags for check out. It was bittersweet because it was such a fun time with my girls before the wedding, but I definitely wasn't ready to leave Miami!
Luckily, after we had packed up, the few of us that were left headed to the beach to take some pictures and spend a few more minutes enjoying the ocean breeze!
Love my sissy for making sure my bachelorette party was the best time ever <3 p="">
Well there you have it, a recap of my really short trip to Miami to celebrate my bachelorette party! South Beach showed me a good friggin' time and I cannot believe I hung without puking my brains out and went out of my comfort zone for most of the time. The beach was most definitely my favorite part of the trip and I'm glad we got to spend as much time as we did while there!!
Now it’s your turn to link-up and share your wedding tales.
Macy and I love reading all about your big day, someone else’s wedding adventures, or anything else wedding related. We just can’t wait to read all about it!
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