Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sunday Social {Week 30}

Hey friends! I can't believe it's the last Sunday of 2012, this year has quite frankly flown by. I look back on all that happened this year and I think overall it was a great year. I'm linking up with Neely & Ashley for Sunday Social. I want to first off thank them so much for their hard work with this link up, I have such a blast doing it on Sunday's and I hope it continues for a long time! Now onto the questions!

Sunday Social

1) What is the best New Year's Eve you've ever had?
I love the NYE's that are spent with fun people and great memories, that being said I have had some pretty bad new year's eve's and one of them include running into my ex and him hitting on my sister, gross. I think my favorite one would have to be last year, my good friend from London was home and we all decided we weren't going to go out to a fancy place and spend a lot of money so we chose a low-key bar downtown and played bar games and drank, it was great! 

My friend from London and I

This picture pretty much captures the night, love candid moments!

2) Are you doing anything for NYE this year and if so what?
I am doing something for NYE this year, a bunch of my friends and I are heading downtown and partaking in a party bus all around downtown Chicago for 2 hours and afterwards heading to a house party to toast in the new year. I am really excited because the people I am spending it with are awesome and I know it's gonna be a ton of fun, check back tomorrow to take a look back on 2012 for me and my outfit for the night!

3) Name a book we should all read come January?
I'm not a huge book person, but I plan to change that in 2013, I really want to start reading at least one book a month so any and all recommendations are welcome!

4) What are your new years resolutions?
I honestly don't believe in resolutions, mainly because I don't stick to them. I won't say I'll go to the gym more or eat healthy because if I wanted to do those things, I'd be doing them already. I do however want to be a happier me in 2013 and learn to appreciate all that I have and try to take some time out for some me time

How about you, any fun/different resolutions? 
Any exciting plans for NYE?


  1. I found you through the Sunday Social. Please stop by and say hi when you get a chance. Happy New Year.

  2. Sounds like you have an awesome time planned for NYE!
    What types of books are you interested in? I could give you hundreds of recommendations - I am a total book nerd haha!
    Hope you have a wonderful New Year!

  3. Totally agree with you on not believing in New years eve resolutions! I never stick to them so I don't want to set myself up for disappointment!

  4. Your NYE plans sound fun! New follower! I found you on the Sunday Social link up! If you have time, stop on over and say hi! :)
