Just another manic Monday around these parts. I was up late watching the Oscars last night {and will be having a recap of my favorite red carpet looks tomorrow} so I never got a chance to get a draft written for today's post. Since I'm in a rush, I will just get to the post. Linking up with Jenn for 5 for Five!

1. Drink at least 64 oz {8 cups} of water daily.
Fail, fail, fail. This is so hard to do, I did come close some days, but definitely not every day.
2. Finish at least one assignment for class.
Yeah, I didn't even attempt to do this. Saturday was my lazy day and Sunday was Oscar day so no time was even available, oh well.
3. Do a 5-10 min ab workout everyday.
Oh hey look, another goal I've failed at. If laughing until your abs hurt counts as an exercise, that was done, but nothing else. I really hate working out, like a LOT.
4. Drink a protein shake everyday.
Oh yay, a goal I didn't fail at this week. I did drink a protein shake everyday and felt awesome doing so, way better than any ab workout!
5. Get blog posts drafted early.
I definitely accomplished this one {minus today's post}. I had Mon-Sat all drafted up and waiting to be published, felt so great not having to frantically get a post out.
Speaking of posts, have you checked out the giveaway on my blog for nail wraps courtesy of Jamberry?! {shameless plug, I know, but you should totally enter!}
a Rafflecopter giveaway
So I actually decided not to set any goals this week and really think of ways I can accomplish more goals each week because 2/5 is really pathetic and I have no real excuse for it besides pure laziness. I'll brainstorm ways to keep up with some goals and come back next week hopefully with some great goals that can get accomplished.
Good luck on your goals this week!!
Monday through Saturday drafts?! Can I have your motivation? And inspiration? Haha